400 Level
Service Description
HAW 401 Fourth-Level Hawaiian (3) Advanced reading, writing, and discussion in Hawaiian. Transcribing and translating Hawaiian language tapes. Translating English into Hawaiian, and Hawaiian into English. Pre: 302 or exam, or consent. HAW 402 Fourth-Level Hawaiian (3) Continuation of 401. Pre: 401 or exam, or consent. HAW 425 Moʻolelo Hawaiʻi (3) Survey of the major works by Hawaiian scholars writing about the history and culture of Hawai’i including David Malo, Kamakau, Kepelino, and John Papa ʻĪʻī. Pre: 302. DH HAW 426 Kaʻao Hawaiʻi (3) Survey of the core literature written by Hawaiian scholars, including both historical and mythological epics and folk tales. Pre: 302. DL HAW 427 I Leʻa Ka Hula I Ka Hoʻopaʻa (Moʻolelo, Kaʻao, Mele and Hula) (3) The incorporation of mele and hula performance with moʻolelo and kaʻao. Pre: 302 or consent. HAW 428 Ka Manaʻo Politika Hawaiʻi–Political Thought in Hawaiian (3) Intensive study of Hawaiian political thought in writing and speech. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 303C) DH HAW 429 Ka Hōʻike Honua (3) Study of Hawaiian land tenure practices through readings and discussions of audiotapes, written primary sources, maps, wind names, rain names, ʻōlelo noʻeau (wise sayings), and mele (poetry). Readings are drawn from 19th and 20th century Hawaiian newspapers and other primary sources. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent. HAW 430 Ma Ka Hana Ka ʻIke (3) Study of traditional Hawaiian language and cultural practices through hands-on applications and lectures. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent. HAW 433 I Paʻa Ke Kahua (3) An experiential approach to the acquisition of vocabulary, which will allow students to broaden and deepen their knowledge of language and the range of domains to perpetuate Hawaiian as a living language. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or consent. HAW 434 E Pū Paʻakai Kākou: A Study of Traditional Hawaiian and Contemporary Food Culture (3) A study of traditional Hawaiian and contemporary food culture through hands-on applications and lectures. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) or consent. HAW 435 (Alpha) Problems in Translation (3) Problems in translation of: (B) legal documents; (C) newspapers. Pre: 302 or consent. HAW 445 Nā Politika ma ka Nūhou Hawaiʻi–Politics in Hawaiian Language Media (3) Study of Hawaiian news media with emphasis on political content. Includes field trips to various archives. Pre: 302 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 344) DH HAW 452 Structure of Hawaiian (3) Descriptive linguistic analysis. Intensive exercises in advanced grammar. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) and LING 102, or consent. DH HAW 453 ʻŌlelo Niʻihau I (3) Basic study of ʻŌlelo Niʻihau. Speaking and listening comprehension will be developed through listening to audio recordings, watching video recordings, and participating in face-to-face conversations with Niʻihau native speakers. Pre: 402 (or concurrent) or consent. DH HAW 454 History of the Hawaiian Language (3) Development from proto-Polynesian. Phonology, morphology, and grammar; history of research. Pre: 302 (or concurrent) and 452, or consent. DH HAW 462 (Alpha) Haʻuki: Sports Education Through the Medium of Hawaiian (2) Provide Hawaiian language students with linguistic tools necessary to provide sports education to Hawaiian immersion schools and for basic intergenerational use of Hawaiian in the linguistic domain of sports. (B) basketball; (C) volleyball; (D) football; (E) baseball. Repeatable for other topics. HAW 463 Language for the Classroom (3) Examination of language needs in various classroom settings and introduction to new vocabulary in school content areas. Pre: 302, 452, and consent. HAW 466 Kuleana Kula Kaiapuni (3) Examination of the political struggles of the Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian Immersion Program)–past and present. Special attention given to federal and state governments, Department of Education, and internal political struggles. Pre: 401 (or concurrent with consent). HAW 470 Hoʻomohala Haʻawina Kaiapuni Curriculum Development (3) Examination of curricular issues of indigenous language programs; weekly participation in an immersion classroom; development of materials. Repeatable one time. Pre: 302 or consent. HAW 483 Papa Mele Wahi Pana (3) Will provide students with the opportunity to learn mele, mainly poetry and song, composed specifically for a certain area of Hawai’i. Pre: 302 or consent. HAW 484 Hawaiian Poetry (3) Historical survey and analysis of poetry found in traditional chants, folk songs, modern poetry written in Hawaiian. Interpreting and composing Hawaiian poetry. Pre: 302 and consent, or 401. DL HAW 485 Haku Hanakeaka–Hawaiian Language Playwriting (3) The creation and authoring of Hawaiian language play scripts based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent) or consent. DA HAW 486 Kahua Hanakeaka (Hawaiian Medium Stage Production) (3) From design to performance, students mount an original production based on traditional motifs. Repeatable one time. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), or consent. HAW 488 ʻŌlelo Noʻeau (3) Survey and analysis of traditional proverbs and their kaona or symbolic meanings. A-F only. Pre: 402 or consent. DH HAW 490 Ka Makauʻōlelo Aʻo Kula Kaiapuni Hawaiʻi (1) Assess the linguistic competence of prospective Hawaiian language immersion teachers to assure that all teachers entering the state DOE Hawaiian Immersion Program meet the requirements of the program with respect to Hawaiian language proficiency. CR/NC only. Pre: 402 (or concurrent), and 463 (or concurrent), or consent. HAW 499 Directed Studies (V) Study of Hawaiian language through vernacular readings in various academic fields. Repeatable up to 6 credits. Pre: 302 and consent.
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